Part Number JM3200HLB-16GK JM3200HLB-16GK JM3200HLE-32GK Buscar referencia del producto (P/N) y número de serie (S/N). Download FAQ All Specification / Capacity / Performance Setup / Operation All Why can my memory be used when installed in a specific slot, but it won’t work if I change the slot Will a faster frequency memory of the same type run at slower frequency? DRAM Installation Procedures Why does Transcend include the Proposition 65 warning? Why won't my computer boot after a module is installed? « 1 » Technical Support If the answer can't help you, you can contact the Tech Support Department Get Started Compatibility Incompatibility Gigabyte Compatibility Gigabyte All Series Motherboard GA-A320M-S2H GA-A320M-S2H V2 rev. 1.1 GA-A320M-S2H rev. 1.x GA-Z170-HD3P (rev. 1.0) GA-A320M-S2H Motherboard Close Video Tutorials Sorry, no results were found. Please contact us if you require any further help. Get Started